The Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 provides at Schedule 5, Part 2, paragraph 13 that:-

A person aggrieved by a decision of the Authority:

  • refusing under section 31 (3)(g), (h) or (i) to issue a licence,
  • declining under section 63 (2) to cause to be carried out an investigation of the matter the subject of a complaint,

  • imposing under section 68 (4) (a) a minor sanction,

  • dismissing under section 68 (4) (c) a complaint, or

  • refusing to make a grant or relating to the amount of the grant made.

may, within 30 days from the date of receipt of notice of the decision, appeal to the Appeal Board against the decision by serving on the Appeal Board a notice of appeal which complies with paragraph 14(1).

Kindly note that there are strict statutory time limits applicable to appeals and the Board has no discretion to extend this time.

The Appeal Form is for making an appeal to the Property Services Appeal Board.


Please type or word process this form or complete it legibly using black ink and CAPITAL LETTERS. You may use extra sheets of paper but please add your name to the top of each extra page.

Please note: Your representative’s address will be taken to be an address for service furnished by you, unless you specifically notify us that you do not consent to this. Accordingly, all correspondence including the hearing notification may be sent to your representative, not directly to you. If your representative stops acting for you, please notify the Property Services Appeal Board immediately.

You must make your appeal within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notice of the decision of the Authority. The Appeal Board will not consider an appeal beyond the 30-day deadline.

Please return the completed form together with a copy of the decision sought to be appealed and any relevant supporting documentation to the following address:

The Secretary
Property Services Appeal Board (PSAB)
51 St. Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
D02 HK52

Click on either of the links below to access the form: